Monday, May 14, 2012


It seems to me that all of the continuing debate on SOCIOPOLITICAL propriety has reached its redundancy stage. If there isn't anything further to discuss of future concern and public merit, we should move on.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


One might be a little hazed to try and wonder what the future might hold under certain circumstances. Have we as a people been able to govern ourselves to the virtuous point of a certain, non-deniable quality of life,.....By way of legislature? Somehow I don't feel as if we're on the right track. At least not at the time being. Personally though, I feel hopeful and confident that we the public and Government can come to terms on the things that still hold the essentials as important.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Having been called upon to perform certain duties for the good of MAN, I feel like there should be some lee-way granted in my favor due to the arduous tasks that such duty demands. The pity is that nobody else feels the way that I do, long enough to make a difference. Why? This is the nature of complications that we all must deal with. It's just that some people are talented beyond the fringes of normalcy on such affairs!


The thought of getting older hasn't hit me in the most positive lite, not even yet! As I remember, hardly being able to wait until I was a certain age of consent, and to be respected in the neighborhood as a firm young man coming of age. For reasons that I have already been able to express from other-wise venue, it has all gone by rather painfully. Leaving a certain residue and belated sensation of blandness, non-intended grief and concerns that normally would not have been mine to bear,....At least not in these times. Getting older with the wisdom of strife and not the verily instilled home-bound heritage, has not been an easy thing for me to bear. For the first thing, I had no plan upon being a homeless individual, not in the least. Yet somehow the turning of the guard and mantle has left society and myself in many ways dismantled from the future that either of us could have planned or contemplated, seemingly now, the embarrassing task of returning to what we know is the most correct, all things considered! This by no means implies that I would return to my former wife and marriage, this partly because SOME things never change! This young elder wisdom of mine tells me, that the same old pitfalls still exsist from our younger times.........This would be a little too much for me to endure.......Again!