Friday, December 30, 2011


It's strange, how your first experiences can become so ongoing! Isn't it? Which prospective? 1. Some thing's unfinished, or 2. Some thing's never ending?
This is some catchy stuff huh? I sense perhaps that you are snagged.

Friday, December 9, 2011


For me, the second Qmuda sure is broadening at the seams. The more I come to know, the more I wish to be somewhere else. But then I also know that being where I am is not the way things should be right now. Something tells me that THIS Qmuda, will be the largest one. Perhaps even the most valuable. The information inside could turn out to be quite valuable indeed. But as classic SCIFI  holds these things, something or someone could go terribly wrong. You wouldn't doubt that would you? You'd better not!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Things for me are tough right now,and have been for far too long. Living on the promises of a payment of lawful accord, does not offer the complete satisfying peace of mind. This seems to be a rather popular misconception. From the personal prospective, it is pure agony. The anger and the need to suppress it, or otherwise become a victim of fatal statistics. There are, for me, far too many instances of the most obvious, while it is presumed that I am none-the-wiser when it comes to being able to recognise the nuance and grist of certain matters concerning my well being and opportunity to further my and my immediate family's existence.

There are simply far too many ways to imagine the most emphatic reactions to some of the issues that were problematic even in the first place. For the most part, none of these ideas would have amused the court. While yet,......................Tough row of  B---S---. And that's no lie!


Seems that living on the not so desirable tear of life offers a few things. One of them is, due to necessity, is the power and patience of observation. Naturally one would need to have just a little standard education, and this is for the sake of communication. For some of us the trail of life leaves for us to discern, different wavelenghts of wisdom and ideal. Some of this depends upon the lineage which precedes us. So it is essential that we concur, that the difference of prospective gives us our body of politics from which to hammer out a FAIR existance.

My observations have not revealed to me the OVERT fairness that I would have imagined there to need to be in order and operaton. This is because it really does not exsist. The body politic has been altered to the order and favor of the spiritually wicked and lawless. It is them, who have decide to be the interpreters of the law. Inso doing, they pathologically have begun to take liberties. It has also come to mind, the cliche' 'survival of the fitest' and 'only the strong survive'. These words and phrases taken from some time in the past are perhaps the grammar of hardships only known in the history books to so many of us at just 50 years old or so. But I am one to believe in the higher powers. When it is time to deal with these things, the powers of JUSTICE will be just. It's simply a matter of whether or not the battered and depraved will be willing, able and worthy enough to assume the rightful position of its creed.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Speaking at the podium

Public speaking is one thing that I really didn't like to do. The only venue however, was church. Leading the program and reading the announcements and so on.